
Follow your ethnic or racial path to your identity.

Written by Dennis Clarke | Jul 10, 2024 11:57:35 AM

Identity is something that is being systematically erased in the Western countries of the world. It is beneficial for a ruling class to have a population that has no identity rooted in their ethnicity, race or culture for these countries. Identity is something that brings grounding, strength, direction, mental clarity, and comfort to everyday life. It is the core of who we inherently are, thus this divide is leading towards dystopia.

The manipulating argument is that identity changes over time, but while some aspects may change, your identity was always there. Some don’t know what their identity is, or haven’t found it. In North America, focus is put on academic and media narratives. Wealthy policy influencers intend to replace ones identity with characteristics of work, or personal interests. With so many people from different ethnic backgrounds in the same place, government and academic leaders use the stripping identity as a way to make it easier for everyone to coexist. Examples are the digital world, pop culture trends, entertainment, or fashion, used as tools. These are designed to pull Americans away from the largest characteristics of one’s identity, race and ethnicity.

Joseph Stalin used this tactic after WWII to break up the strength of individual ethnic groups in the Soviet Union. By moving tens of thousands of people from one side of the continent to the other, mixing the peoples, it broke their identity. They were removed from the land and people they knew. Did one feel Siberian if they were moved to Southern Poland? Their identity was lost as they were no longer surrounded by Siberians like themselves. This made them less likely to band together, and revolt against the state. Rather it lent them rely on the state as their sole ally. This is the opposite of what a populous must do, which is band together with their ethnic group or racial group to protect themselves from negative superstate actions.

The level of comfort one feels within a group of human beings with the same identity is the highest level of freedom. People are free in their behaviors and thoughts when they feel secure, similarity, and understanding. This comes from being around those who share in that identity. The security comes from the strength and resilience of the group. In times of adversity, it’s the ethnic community that creates resilience. Especially if that resilience is against state government actions. The founders of the United States often wrote of the dangers of large government and nefarious dangers. When ones identity is created, or influenced by society, rather than their genetic or racial background, people end up relying on it. Western countries are trying to dismantle its populous connection to their background, so people rely on the state for what is an illusion of strength. 

The emotional, electrical, and neurological connection between people of the same genetic group has not been academically studied as a result of this focus away from ethnic groups. Financing for research goes to the interests of the state, and leaders of academic institutions. Researching and recommending the importance of connection between a peoples would hinder corporate productivity, and North American leadership narratives. Instead the research goes to managing the symptoms of the separation of peoples. So the general population can remain productive to leaders and corporations in the workplace. One of the ways this is done are drugs and psychological treatment to deal with depression, suicide, addiction, unhealthy eating habits, excessive risk taking, etc., which largely can be contributed to the lack of connection with ones ethnic group, which results in the erosion of social fabric. 

Identity has a large number of definitions by those who use it to push North Eastern American narratives. It is confusing to know what the word means; which might be the aim of those who use the word to describe the many different facets of a person. There are official definitions, and in those there is a common theme or word: sameness or relation. At the core of all peoples there is one thing that is inherent, and it is their genetic background to which they belong.

In the United States individuals often ‘search’ for their identity, or ‘find themselves’. Identity is a common word in psychology and sociological courses. Americans racial background is kept so distant that they inherently search in the wrong directions. Often their identity has been kept from them. Few Americans talk about where their genetics came from, and if they relate to that ethnic group. They often search through musical interests, the high school ‘clicke’ type they spend time with, work, or hobbies. They then believe that is their identity, but it isn’t.

Some never find it. A few travel, and find that certain counties ‘speak’ to them, as those countries hold peoples with similar genetics. They don’t know this and wonder why they feel so comfortable when there. They have found themselves because they discovered what was not mentioned to them earlier in life. They found what was discouraged to be focused on, their genetic group of people.

A small number of people may find their racial or ethnic background doesn’t seem correct for their identity. For those, they want to keep searching. They could be surprised by what they find. It is possible that another ethnic group makes the most sense to them for their identity. That is ok. They can embrace the people and culture as it is what feels most natural to them. However it is important to be based on the people that surround them -rather than by financial gain or other comforts the ethnic group may provide. This would result in failure, confusion, and a difficult life as it is not true to their identity.

Once one has found that identity. What is beneficial about it? How is knowing your identity different from not within your everyday life? Or why does it matter?

Knowing your identity or ‘who you are’ brings incredible ease when connecting with others within that ethnic group. If you take a group of people with the same ethnic background, or even another strong similar trait. Then place them in a room for 5 hours, where they have to remain and do an activity such as play a board game. That group of individual’s behaviors, thoughts, and words will be drastically different in that experience than if they are in any other place or scenario. Whether it’s a group of women from a Native American tribe, a group of homosexual men, or Swedish men who grew up in the same neighborhood, they will behave in those moments different than any other. That level of familiarity brings a freedom different to achieve by any other means, than by being with those other individuals of the same identity. It is a homeostasis most people who don’t have it, long for.

That 5 hour moment of time mentioned, could be a mental space a person can remain in for much of their lives if they choose. People inherently search and try to put themselves in that mental and physical scenario. Unfortunately, when some are not able to find it they use other means to try to achieve it. Such as substance abuse, unhealthy behavior, self-destruction, or enveloping one’s self in their work.

The comfortable experience I mentioned above, for a very small group of people, might not be found within their genetic ethnic group. For them they might find it with another group of people, but it is important they be open to finding it. Then be allowed to join, if after reflection and acknowledgement that this is where they achieve that level of ease.

Your ethnic group can help give life direction. Then you won’t have an aimless flow, and this creates well-being. For example, you may see a need within your ethnic group’s community and aim to fill that need. Or you feel satisfied in your work knowing that it betters the lives of those around, the lives that are a part of your identity.

Your self-worth will be derived from who you are, rather than what you do. In life we have failures and accomplishments. Failures aren’t necessarily negative, and are often learning experiences. During these moments you will be less emotionally and mental affected, as your failures don’t determine your self-worth. Your worth is brought by who you are, and the group that you belong to ethnically through your genetics. What you do is of no consequence. Rather failures can be seen as building blocks to achievements.

You won’t seek validation for your being. Through your identity and being in proximity to others of the same, there is no need to validate your presence. You don’t seek approval to belong. You just belong and are. People who don’t know their identity, or are not in proximity to their ethnic group often have to find this peace through cognitive reminders. A person just is, and doesn’t need to be validated. Your identity helps to bring that clarity without having to expend mental energy on it.

As you spend time with those in your ethnic group you reject people or situations that may be negative towards them and yourself. Thus it makes it easier to clear who should be in your life and who shouldn’t be. You have a stable platform with which to compare how to live your life and how others outside our group do. You can then build relationships with those that strengthen your ethnic group. It takes little effort to create a positive community rejecting the harmful.

There are many who were born into difficult situations. Those rendered to foster care, or who may have a single parent. Through their identity they can find community that will bring some of the benefits they lost by no fault of their own. Those who have found the same community through their ethnic background will want to embrace those similar, creating a community that’s easy to join for those who have been less fortunate.

There is a paper written at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, which explains ethnic identity as it relates to the healthy mental growth of indigenous peoples. What most North Americans fail to realize is that we are all indigenous peoples of a geographical region. The University funded this research to promote the wellbeing of indigenous American Indians. This concept can be applied to all people who do the work to find, or are with their genetic group of peoples. Even though one may have been apart from their ethic group being in diverse North America, identity still gives the comfort of continuity. Your ethnic identity has always been something you have, and it always will be in the future.

When not with your ethic or genetic group, decisions can be overwhelming. A person can have less self-awareness. Not knowing what they like and dislike. By being rooted in their ethnic background they will have confidence in what they prefer. It allows for faster and stronger decision making because they already have a foundation of knowledge about who they are.

We’ve talked about the benefits and necessities of Identity, but what are some negatives to watch out for. These might be used to make people dismissive of their ethnic group. But if we recognize them we can mitigate the negative problems that could arise.

One must still be an individual while participating with their ethnic group. If someone relies solely on the decisions of the group, it sometimes might not be in their best interest. It also will allow for one to not seek truth and rather follow as sheep in decision making. Finding your ethnic group and belonging does not mean giving up your independence. It allows you to be part of a larger beneficial collective, while still seeking truth and taking care of one’s self.

If a group of people have made a decision that is clearly a wrong path, it could be difficult to make the necessary change in your own life to not do so. Being in proximity to your racial ethnic group does not mean doing something is obviously not beneficial to you, or the people as whole. One must voice their opinion even if it’s in opposition to their groups decisions.

One could lose themselves within the all-encompassing cloud of the group. Identity is closer to a foundation than the entire structure of ones being. One’s everyday life does not have to have every moment and aspect linked to their identity. It’s best to remain an individual as well as being part of the whole.

With all the cautions above, issues associated from your identity can be mitigated easily.

With the mitigation to remove the risks explained, it allows one to embrace who they are regardless of what that racial background might be. One of the narratives taught in the United States. That your identity is not derived from your ethnic background, but rather the social construct of the state, your employment, and other characteristics of your life. This has serious disabling effects as mentioned already. But to reiterate, if someone ignores their true identity one will try to gain acceptance from others due to not having a strong individual identity. Opinions of others can have a much greater effect on ones capabilities, especially negative opinions. Also, choices for one’s life could be influenced or even made by others due to lack of confidence. By building your self-identity through understanding of your genetics and race, a person gains the confidence to avoid the negative outcomes outlined. Being surrounded by those of similar ethnic background allows one to achieve one of the highest states of being, allowing for the strongest potential for personal utopia in their daily life. 

One thing not mentioned is where religion or spirituality plays a role in ones identity. Although very important it is a separate and individual aspect that may or may not be in line with ones genetic background. 

What are the steps to take to find your identity?

1. If you don't already know, find your ethnic or racial heritage. You can ask grandparents or other family members as a best option. You can build a family tree on to find relatives. If not, try a genetic testing company located in Switzerland or other country. Do not use a United States based company, as they must adhere to laws requiring them to retain your genetic data.

2. Enjoy your journey of discovery. This might be through finding a diaspora of your racial group, or travelling to that country. In addition to spending time with similar genetic peoples, visit similar countries if you don't feel connected to your ethnic group. This requires time alone and reflection. Then spending time in places where you feel you might connect. This can be trial and error for some. Keep an open mind until you find where you feel most comfortable. 

3. Once you find the people with which you feel most comfortable, work on the logistics of life. Is it possible to get a long term visa to the country, study there, or citizenship from prior relatives? Are there jobs that fit with your skillset in the country? Is there a better career you could pursue, to better position yourself within the country, or benefit that country. If the diaspora of your genetic group is within your current country these things will take less time. The process to get involved in community, religious, or other activities of similar interest with the group can commence.